Feature Update – July 30, 2018 – Bug Fixes

Here’s the second edition of our bi-weekly update on new and planned features.

As noted last time, two weeks is not much time, so these will be small updates, but they’ll help us stay accountable to you, our users, while also keeping you in the loop and providing another opportunity for you to share ideas and feedback.

New Features

These features will be live on Tuesday, July 31st, 2018.

Note: We spent most of the last 2 weeks working on the auto-cancel functionality, which we revised and expanded to work better for you. As a result it is not going live until the next go-around.

Bug fixed that caused 3 hour outage

A few weeks ago the site went down for 3 hours due to a bug. We identified and fixed the bug. This should reduce future site outages.

30-minute limit to cancel after session starts

We closed a loophole that allows users who no-show to cancel the session after it starts. We are putting the cutoff at 30 minutes so that if your partner no-shows you can still cancel and book a new appointment at the next half-hour slot.

We will work on a better solution to this loophole in the future.

Name updates from the app to emails

When you change your name in your profile, it now updates your name in our emails.

Planned Features

These are features we are working on over the next 2 weeks.

Consolidate calendar invitation emails

You will now only receive calendar invitations when you book or cancel an appointment. We will no longer notify you if you get a match or a partner cancels on you. The rationale is that most sessions get a match, but sometimes you lose then re-gain a partner, which isn’t important for you to know, and can cause stress unnecessarily.

Auto-cancel due to no-shows

Revised feature: whenever you no-show a session, we’ll “freeze” your account until you reactivate it.

What that means is that your upcoming appointments will auto-cancel 3 hours before. This will prevent you from having multiple no-shows in a row if something happens (like forgetting to set your alarm). That in turn will protect your attendance score, and ensure your future partners can get a match.


We will show you if you have done Focusmate sessions for multiple weeks in a row, and for how long. This will help incentivize you to schedule new sessions.

Coming Soon

  1. Help wiki and email support. Right now Taylor is doing all user support manually. We will build a wiki that makes it easier and faster to get help.
  2. Weekly stats. We will send you an optional, weekly email letting you know things such as your attendance score, how many sessions you did that week, and what streak you’re on. We will add new stats as we have them.

Please share your input in the comments!


Taylor & Mike

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