Feature Update – August 13, 2018 – Streaks, Auto-Cancel

Here’s the 3rd edition of our bi-weekly update on new and planned features. Let us know what you think in the comments!

New Features

These features are either already live or will be by Tuesday, August 14, 2018.

Consolidate calendar invitation emails

You will now only receive calendar invitations when you book or cancel an appointment, i.e. only when you take an action. We were previously letting you know about new matches and partner cancellations, but those are unnecessarily stressful.

Here’s what the new calendar emails look like:

Auto-cancel due to no-shows

Whenever you no-show a session, we’ll “freeze” your account until you reactivate it. For the purposes of this feature, we consider you a no-show after 10 minutes. (As a reminder, for your Attendance Score, you are a no-show after 5 minutes.)

What that means is that your upcoming appointments will auto-cancel 3 hours before. This will prevent you from having multiple no-shows in a row if something happens (like forgetting to set your alarm). That in turn will protect your attendance score, and ensure your future partners can get a match.

Here’s the email you’ll get when the system detects you as a no-show and enables auto-cancel:


We will show you if you have done Focusmate sessions for multiple weeks in a row, and for how long. This will help incentivize you to schedule new sessions. Note: This feature is built, and will go live in the next ~24 hours.

Here’s how it looks on my phone:

Planned Features

These are features we are working on over the next 2 weeks.

Daily, Weekly and Monthly Streaks

In addition to finalizing weekly streaks, we’ll add daily and monthly streaks, to incentivize you to keep coming back.

New “Inactive User” Emails at 56 and 84 Days

If you haven’t been active for ~2 or ~3 months, we’ll send you an email to check up on you. We get feedback that a lot of users fall off due to some life event and want to keep getting reminders from us.

Helpdesk Emails Come From Focusmate.com Domain

We’re setting up a helpdesk through ZenDesk. We want those emails to come directly from us (so you know it’s us). This is one piece of a bigger helpdesk setup project.

Coming Soon

  1. Help wiki and email support. This project is already underway. We’re building a wiki that makes it easier and faster to get help.
  2. Weekly stats. We will send you an optional, weekly email letting you know things such as your attendance score, how many sessions you did that week, and what streak you’re on. We will add new stats as we have them.

Please share your input in the comments!


Taylor & Mike

3 thoughts on “Feature Update – August 13, 2018 – Streaks, Auto-Cancel”

  1. I would totally love to have integration with Beeminder! Is it possible to Beemind how many Focusmate sessions I complete a week? That would be so awesome and really keep me accountable for continuing to use this amazing accountability tool by putting my money where my mouth is. So far I’m hooked, I basically only work with Focusmate because my productivity is so much better, but I’m worried I may get out of the habit of using it after awhile, since I’m fairly new. 47 sessions completed!

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